Tools and Tips for Computor Work

PowerShell | Rename multiple files.

1) Open Windows Powershell

2) Locate file directory by using the ‘change directory’ command - cd “FILE PATH”.

Note that “FILE PATH” needs to be replaced with the pasted file path and needs to be in inverted commas.

Hit Enter to go into the directory.

3) Once in the file directory, paste command:

ls | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace "OLD-FILE-NAME-PART","NEW-FILE-NAME-PART"}

4) Replace TEXT IN CAPITALS with what needs to be replaced or removed with the desired replacement text. If you just want to remove text, just leave "NEW-FILE-NAME-PART" empty with ““.

5) Hit Enter

Rhino | Commands.

General Stuff


Defines a drawing plane for you to work on. Useful for setting elevations to work from, following the same shape in plan.


Makes the gumball visible for geometry manipulation.

Ctrl + Shift + Click

Enables you to select the edge of faces.

Shift + Click (when drawing)

Snaps drawing line to perpendicular. Useful as it keeps everything straight and propper.


Isolates a selection of geometry to be viewed and hides all geometry not selected

Selecting things


Selects all curves or geometry that are the same colour. Useful for importing .dwg from autocad where colour scheme has been translated to Rhino layers or colours.


Selects all curves within the Rhino scene. Useful for filtering out curves from surfaces and organising into layers.


Selects all surfaces within the Rhino scene. Useful for filtering out surfaces from curves and organising into layers.


Creates a dialogue box where you can select and manipulate sub-objects.

Geometry Manipulation


Moves geometry from a specific point, either from the normal plane or the vertical plane.

Tab + Shift (when moving/copying)

Tab whilst moving constrains the axis of movement, and shift whilst moving fixes to the nearest axis.


Splits curve into their respective ‘nodes’.


Joins a number of curves together. Use ctrl + click to select multiple objects or use the select commands.


Edit 3D geometry. Useful for when you need to edit a complex shape in 3D and you need to see xyz coordinates.


Copies a surface from a group of polysurfaces. Useful for cutting objects out of other objects.


Enables you to push an pull at a surface. Useful for freehand manipulation - will probably move everything out of alignment though.


Simplifies a mesh by a percentage or polygon count, useful to simplify context geometry imported from 3D mapping software.

Geometry Creation/Conversion


Creates a Hatch from a closed curve


After selecting a hatch or surface, this creates a boundary surface - similar to silhouette i guess?


Copies the outline of a shape and creates a surface. Useful for getting surfaces back into a curve format so you can edit nodes.


Converts mesh geometry to NURBS models. Can be used with MergeFaces to create NURBS models from low polygon count meshes.


A Whole Life Carbon Greenwash Exercise?